Monday, August 10, 2009

What Brings the Hand of God on a Man of God?

We turn to the book of Ezra for the answer. Twice chapter seven says the hand of God, the good hand of his God was on him (vv. 6 & 9). Every man of God worth his salt covets this.

Why was Ezra so graced? Verse 10 explains:

For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.

Many thanks to Justin Taylor for calling attention to this young man who may well fall into such a category. Decide for yourself with this video of his recent message at the 2009 Southern Baptist Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. His recitation from the Psalms alone in the beginning makes the investment of time worthwhile. The message he brings will challenge you. It did me.

David Platt: SBC Pastors Conference 2009 from Todd Thomas on Vimeo.


  1. Oy. This guy's intense. I'm reminded to hold my "valuables" very loosely, including my pride and credentials.

    Thanks, Pastor.

  2. That was amazing. Thanks for passing on the conviction and the call to a more worthy death.
