Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bless You Cancer (9)

This from 8.18.05.

Back in the hospital again. Another twist. My medical oncologist showed up at treatment with ideas for altering the plan. He was wrestling with adding the 5FU continuous fusion treatment (4 days, 24/7) following the cisplatin. He wants to finish strong. The only way to do it AND keep me on TPN (liquid nutrition) was to put me in so I can run simultaneous IVs. The chemo is not compatible with the TPN so we can't piggy back off the port - unfortunately. Other than feeling weak last night I didn't have any other immediate side effects from the cisplatin. Thanks be to God.

Had my final radiation treatment yesterday. Number 38! Hallelujah that is over. What a long haul. We brought gifts to the staff - some food, Piper books (Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die). I think they felt touched. Got my boldness quotient up to distribute the books. Gave my radiation oncologist a copy of my Psalm 23 message, "Tsunamis, Cancer, & the Shepherd's Extraordinary Care." Hopefully he will listen to it and God will convict and soften his heart.

It was not always easy, but God gave grace to seek to redeem the suffering by enabling us to share the gospel with caregivers and fellow-patients along the way. Blessed be His name.

1 comment:

  1. How GOD redeems our suffering by giving us open doors for sharing His grace and grants us comfort during and after the trial is beyond compare!
