Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bless You Cancer (7)

This from 8.15.05 in my journal.

The final week of treatment, Lord willing. I can see the finish line. Had visitors today. Someone recited John 14 from the ESV, flawlessly. What an encouragement that was. Someone stopped by with food for Nancy. Someone else brought the video of the OGC service to the house.

James says pure and undefiled religion before God is to visit widows and orphans in their distress (1:27). I counted the endless stream of folks who visited this pastor in his cancer distress as a certain pure and undefiled religion that I will not soon forget.

Another insight. I went in and out of the hospital five times that year. Some of those stays lasted multiple days. Since that time I have never taken hospital visitation as a pastor lightly or as something to begrudge.

Every visit to my hospital bed or the couch in the family room meant the world to me in my suffering. Thanks to all who showed such mercy and kindness in our season of need!


  1. I wish I'd been there. It would have been an honor to come and visit you!

  2. PC, with your unique insight to the benefit of clergy visiting hospital-bound there any chance you will add this back to your repratoire of ministry, or have someone else assist with this? :-)
