Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bless You Cancer (5)

At home today battling my periodic nemesis, CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). It beats cancer, as this entry from 8.12.05 from my journal testifies.

Some days seem unbearably long. These last two weeks just drag on. It seems like it will never be over. But the end draweth nigh. I just have to persevere by God's grace. . . . Not a good night's sleep between mucous and not being able to breathe well. Not sure whether to fire my tongue or my nose for poor performance! Both maybe.

At least the Lord helped me keep my sense of humor, not to say my life as well.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could do something for you other than pray...there goes my pride if anything I have to offer is better than that. I love you Pastor!
