Monday, August 10, 2009

Bless You Cancer (3)

In reading over my journal from this time four years ago, the entries reminded me of two generous gifts Nancy and I received from God's people. One came from our church in Idaho; the other came from the good people of OGC. Both churches took special offerings to help defer expenses that insurance didn't cover as well as to help with our mega-deductible.

The receipt of those gifts so encouraged us! Today it made me think of Paul's words in 2 Cor. 9:12.

For the ministry of this service (he's talking about giving) is not only supplying the needs of the saints, but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.

Among the varied fruits of sacrificial giving is the overflowing of many thanksgivings to God for the generosity of His people and the supplying of significant needs. God gets the glory when His people give generously to the needs of the saints.

Do you know someone in need whom you can bless with a gift? Take it from the Apostle Paul, your giving will result in the overflowing of many thanksgivings to God.

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