I still get the question. Why PCBO? We get the PC. Pastor Curt. I do love being called that. I've never served a church where I feel so much affection, so much respect, behind that manner of address.
But what in the world is the BO all about? It's a nick name. Without sounding too weird I believe it was something the Lord gave me at a men's conference two years ago. It stands for "beloved ox." Hence the picture. I keep this on my screen saver at the office.
It's a daily reminder of two things. I am a beloved son of God in Christ who needs to remember that the Father is well pleased with him. And further it reminds me that He gives me the strength of a wild ox to do the taxing work of the ministry (1 Tim. 1:12).
So now since your cholesterol level has dropped so significantly, the O in PCBO stands for oatmeal, right?