I suppose I consider it something of a ritual. Nancy heads to NC to visit her Mom. Sunday night during that week I head to Emeril's Orlando for dinner (pictured above). My boy, Josh, works there. He has been their best server for years now (OK, so I am biased). They treat me like royalty. You would think I really was a VIP or something. I love it. Pamper me, please. I soak it for all it is worth. And it doesn't hurt that they deal me some sweet discounts as pops of the man on the floor.
The economy being what it is, things were slow. All the better for me. I got the full treatment. Appetizers, a duck entree to die for, even the chocolate souffle. If anyone tells Nancy, I will deny it. I spent over two hours just enjoying the ambiance, the attention. I even met my son's busser who hails from Romania. We talked about his country and my pastoral visits there. I left stuffed to the gills and content for the pleasure of having been waited on with such attention to detail and excellence.
Later as I reflected on the experience I was reminded of one of the most startling scriptures in all the gospels, Luke 12:37.
Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will dress himself for service and have them recline at table, and he will come and serve them.
Now, as sweet as it is to have your first born son wait on you at Emeril's Orlando, it cannot even begin to compare with the delight, the drama, the deliciousness of having King Jesus insist that you recline at table in the kingdom so that He, who came not to be served but to serve, may wait on the likes of you with the lavish bounty of His mercies and grace.
Oh to stay awake until that great and glorious day!
Oh to stay awake until that great and glorious day!
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