Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cut Something Out

Chapter Seven of A Call to Spiritual Reformation deals with "Excuses for Not Praying." The first is I am too busy to pray. D. A Carson offers this hard-hitting advice:

It matters little whether you are the mother of active children who drain away your energy, an important executive in a major multinational corporation, a graduate student cramming for impending comprehensives, a plumber working overtime to put your children through college, or a pastor of a large church putting in ninety-hour work weeks: at the end of the day, if you are too busy to pray, you are too busy. Cut something out (p. 114).

Amen and amen.


  1. Hit us again and again! Let us all be consumed with a perpetual spirit of prayer, so that we can imitate our LORD in Heaven who is always interceding for us, even at this very moment - Hebrews 7:25!

  2. I have so much to do today if I don't pray at least 3 hours I'll never get it done! (paraphrase)

    Name that quotable reformer!
